• Andiamo a mangiare!


    Indian "Chai"- Tea

    I've always been a fan of teas. Be it you old english breakfast tea, or your chinese teh-o or your pokka green teas. This place that I stumbled upon had the best indian "chai" or tea and I actually found it out by accident.
    Suriya Restaurant
    I was actually here trying out their vegetarian thosai. I'm a sucker for thosais actually but didn't find it too great. But it was my first time, when I ordered for tea, that it came in this form!

    "Chai" from Suriya Restaurant
    Let's talk about the cup first before I actually tell you how amazing it tastes. I was surprised that it was served in this unique, traditional way of serving teas. And I swear, I didn't know whether to sip it, or whether I could just pour it in the base holder of the cup. I actually asked the waiter how to drink it. The guy said that there were various ways of drinking it. What Indians would do is they would pour it in the base holder of the cup to let it cool down faster and then pour it back into the cup to drink it. He also mentioned that it was another way so that we wouldn't make a mess on the table too. Shocked an impressed at the same time, I actually did what he told me to do. I felt like a real Indian coming right out of New Delhi.

    Eventhough it doesn't look like your normal starbucks mugs, it tasted far way better then the starbucks coffee. It has this nice aroma that clings on to your palate while you're sipping it through. It's sweet yet the milk that was in it, cuts through that it doesn't make you have that "ergghh..to sweet" feeling. It was served at just the right temperature that was not too hot till it scalds your tongue nor is it to cold that makes it all boring cold. It's rich flavour have a longing after taste that makes you go longing for another round of chai!

    Just a few mins walk away from Little India MRT Station, a humbly little cozy place in the corner that is easy to find off Seranggon Road!

    Here's a link to how to get there!


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